Tim Tebow quitter: Tebow labeled as a quitter by team, fans

Tim Tebow Florida Field
Tim Tebow Florida Field (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Breaking news: Because of an injury to Greg McElroy, Rex Ryan has passed over Tim Tebow again, giving Mark Sanchez the start Sunday. Read about it here . Remember when Tim Tebow was "excited" to be joining the New York Jets and kept using that word that over and over and over?
Josh Duhamel has responded to “Tim Tebow quitter” statements, with the Transformers actor defending Tim Tebow against ESPN’s Merril Hoge. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Tim Tebow has been battling allegations that he’s a “quitter” because the New York Jets have decided to run him as the third string quarterback. In response, the rumor had [...] Josh Duhamel Says Tim Tebow Is No Quitter.
Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow (Photo credit: Jordon)

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